Haleigh's Testimony

“Implementing a caseload cap of 45 students would ensure that scholars receive the OMD experience that they were promised. Refusal to do so is an intentional decision to let our scholars down.”

Haleigh Wilson, Program Coordinator

I have been a Program Coordinator at One Million Degrees for a year and a half. Throughout my time in this role, I have learned the importance of being able to build incredibly strong relationships with my scholars. My scholars view me as their “go-to person” on campus. I have been fortunate enough to be in the position where my scholars trust me enough to confide in me, reach out to me for advice, and see me as a positive influence in their life. I have been the first call that my students have made to share extremely exciting news as well as absolutely tragic news. I strongly believe that the reason that I am able to build such strong relationships with my scholars is that I have never worked with more than  60 scholars. It is imperative that OMD implements a caseload cap to protect the integrity of the program. OMD recognizes that the power of this program lies with the relationships that scholars are able to foster within it. I am willing to go so far as to say that the impact that OMD has on a scholar is directly correlated to the strength of the relationships that the scholar made while in the program.

A caseload cap would not only benefit students it would also benefit scholar facing staff and organization-wide operations. This past school year I have had a caseload of under 45 active students. A smaller caseload has allowed me to play a more active role in every aspect of my scholars' OMD journey. This caseload number has also allowed me to participate in every working group/task force that I have been invited to participate in. It is critical to the success of the organization that PCs are able to share their thoughts about new/updated policies and decisions.  However, the reality is most PCs do not have the capacity to participate in the opportunities that are presented to them without sacrificing the present needs of their students.

Implementing a caseload cap of 45 students would ensure that scholars receive the OMD experience that they were promised. Refusal to do so is an intentional decision to let our scholars down.

Please consider signing our petition to support UWOMD's campaign for a fair contract and caseload: bit.ly/UWOMDcaseloadcap


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