Xochitl's Testimony

“When I worked directly with students, I always struggled in supporting my full caseload (55+). There were always students that were left on the backburner because there were always other students that were being prioritized due to immediate needs.”

Xochitl Cruz, Former Sr. Manager of College Partnerships and Program Coordinator

I’m writing in support of United Workers of One Million Degrees in their ask for a maximum of 45 scholars per program coordinator. When I worked directly with students, I always struggled in supporting my full caseload (55+). There were always students that were left on the backburner because there were always other students that were being prioritized due to immediate needs. This is not to say that those students didn’t need that immediate support, but with a caseload of a maximum of 45 students, it would be possible to balance the immediate supports while still reaching out to the remainder of the students. And this means not only being responsive to student needs, but it would mean having time to prepare adequately for each individual scholar and be proactive about connecting them to different opportunities. If students are the priority for OMD and getting them to economic mobility through career pathways then students will need more time with their OMD liaison (i.e. Program Coordinator) who is not only coordinating with their students but with resources given by OMD, coaches, tutoring, and more. Furthermore, this cap of 45 scholars will help with recruitment of scholars and staff. With more capacity for attention on all 45 scholars, retention of these students would be higher, not much effort in recruiting new scholars will be needed. 

Not only is a maximum caseload of 45 a benefit for the program coordinators, but for everyone supporting in the data collection, development and communication area, and in communicating with the school partners. It will be easier to collect information and analyze the data that OMD utilizes to report out. Research shows that by increasing the number of students per staff only decreases quality with short-term results. Everyone would benefit in this situation.

Please consider signing our petition to support UWOMD's campaign for a fair contract and caseload: bit.ly/UWOMDcaseloadcap


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