Justice's Testimony

“Student-facing staff actually have to work harder during this time to make sure students know that we are here for them. I need sufficient time in order to provide the genuine human connection each student deserves. Showing up as my best self in my work would be more feasible with the case-load cap of 45.”

Justice Murray, Program Coordinator

When first deciding to take this position, I was told I would have a caseload of 65 students. I remember thinking wow that's a lot of students! I checked in with a few of my former colleagues to ensure that 65 was a reasonable number. They told me it would be a lot, but I could handle it.

9 months into the position I can attest that 65 students is a lot. In my work, I value creating genuine human connection. Having this level of connection requires significant time to build the relationship through creating trust, conducting careful research, and following up with each student's needs while respecting the time constraints on each scholar's needs. Many things they are going through are urgent and demand immediate attention.

The number of December graduates I had, left me with a Spring case-load number closer to the 45 cap we believe is reasonable. Smaller case-loads mean better quality services for students! I need sufficient time in order to provide the genuine human connection each student deserves.

From our recent transition to distance and remote work, I can also say students are receiving much different services all around. From classes, to student services, to OMD. No amount of technology can replace the human connection students experience with in person interactions. I know many students are feeling a sense of lack and emptiness from not being able to get the services they are seeking in person.

I feel that student facing staff actually have to work harder during this time to make sure students know that we are here for them. Showing up as my best self in my work would be much easier with the case-load cap of 45.

Please consider signing our petition to support UWOMD's campaign for a fair contract and caseload: bit.ly/UWOMDcaseloadcap


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